Every time I come here to write a new blog about IMMIGRANT SERIES, I try writing positive things, I try writing inspirational stories, I try writing tips and steps to create a successful life wherever you decide to move to. But the truth is that not everything is flowers and sometimes we go through emotional challenges that are impossible to describe. Only can live this will understand and, honestly, I wish nobody had to experience this kind of thing.
Ukraine is currently being attacked by Russia. If you are following the news you would know that. The other day I was reading the news and I saw how bad the situation is. When I saw the news my first thought was “this is bad! If this was in Brazil, where my family is, I honestly don’t know what I would do”. Well, a day after I was talking to a friend and invited her to go out for a drink, but she said no because her husband was not feeling okay because of his family who is currently ALL in Ukraine… Man, that crushed my heart in a million pieces.
The feeling of being useless to your family is awful, but the feeling of not even knowing what can happen to your family in a matter of minutes is the worst! And, in this case, he can’t send money to his family, can’t go there (for obvious reasons), can’t bring his family here, and his city can get a bomb from Russia at any time. It is the kind of situation where everything is good, and in one minute everything can be gone while you are sitting there and praying for the best.
Now, as an immigrant who chose to move to a new country and start fresh, we know that we have to suck up our feelings and deal with the fact that we chose to live away from our family and friends. We know that we have to keep our heads up and keep hustling, but we will never be prepared to deal with things like this!
Brazil is a very dangerous country that is constantly dealing with civil wars between politics, drug dealers, and corruption. The current president decided to “clean” the favelas (aka. Brazilian ghetto) and ordered that the army along with the S.W.A.T. team walked into the favelas and kill all drug dealers. I know that this could change Brazil into a better place, but let’s face it, by ordering this the president killed thousands of innocents families who also lived in the area, the favela community got pissed at the president, fought back, and people were scared of walking on the streets because they were bombing everything in the cities. I was scared as hell!
I am from a dangerous country, I know the feeling of being away from your family and constantly worrying about them. Especially in this kind of situation. These are the struggles immigrants go through and nobody else can understand.
While we know that we have to suck up our feelings, some things are out of our control and, honestly, it is the worst feeling to have. I really try coming here to write good and inspirational things about immigrant’s life, but this is the reality we are currently living in and this should not go unnoticed. For all my Ukrainian readers (which is more than I ever thought it would be), for all Ukrainian immigrants, my heart is with you!