Now that we have gone through the main steps you will need to take when moving to NYC, it is time to remind you to stay focused. After all, this is New York, there are tons of temptations around every corner, people trying to take advantage, you will easily feel lonely and distract yourself from your goals. Ok, saying like that sounds bad, but this city is amazing and, if you are determined to stay in line and stick to your plans, you will make the best out of it.
Welcome to New York. This city is going to eat your soul and destroy your emotions, but it is an amazing place (lol, but for real). It is either love or hate for this city, but if you fall in love, you have to be careful to not stagnate in your life. As I have mentioned in previous posts, we immigrants tend to fall into our comfort zone once we settle in the US, but that is wrong and we have to stand up for ourselves and move forward with our careers.
Change is hard and scary, but without change, we do not go anywhere and we do not get out of our comfort zone. Here are a couple of tips to help you to stay focused and move forward towards your goals.
1. Get out of your comfort
Push yourself to go and do something that scares you. Creating a big expense (like investing in your own home or car), quitting your job to have your own company, or simply quitting your job because you want to find something else.
In Brazil, we have an old saying “do not give a step longer than your leg”. This simply means that you should take another step forward, but carefully. Getting out of your comfort zone does not mean messing up with your finances and screwing up your career.
2. Embrace change
Change can be hard, but not as hard as staying in a job that is not making you happy anymore.
You need that change to become better. Sometimes you will have to change your friendships because, believe it or not, the group of people around you makes you who you are and affects your energy. Sometimes it is hard to stay away from people you like, but sometimes the nicest friendships are not the ones pushing you to do better in life.
3. Watch out for your friendships
Are your friends' real friends or people taking advantage of you? It takes a while for you to get to the point that you can see who are your true friends and who is taking advantage of you, but do not worry, you will learn!
I know NYC makes you feel so lonely and desperate for friends, but believe me, if you are not smart enough people will crush your soul (lol, but for real).
4. Stay focused on your money
Are you really being accountable for your money? If so, you should notice that things are getting better and easier instead of more complicated. If you are feeling like you are always counting your coins, you are definitely doing something wrong.
NYC is full of temptations, it is very easy to do everything wrong when it comes to being responsible with your money.
Change can be hard, but not as hard as keeping that job that does not make you happy anymore. Change is even harder when you have to choose between your social life or between different groups of friends. Staying focused is one of the hardest things (even for me) and it is so easy to lose your shit in NYC. Never forget why you came here and where you want to be in life. This will be the best motivation to keep you on track.